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Academic High-Altitude Conference (AHAC) 2022 Abstract Submssion - Deadline

General Conference Info: There will be interesting contributed talks, posters/exhibits, and invited talks at this conference - please consider attending, either in person or remotely. Conference registration is already open, and will remain open until mid-September (approximately). Recommendations for hotel options will be posted soon at the conference website linked in my earlier message.

Summary For Abstract: Abstract review for AHAC 2022 has begun, but if you are considering presenting (or having your students present) something of interest there is still time to submit an abstract!

For Full Consideration: Please submit ASAP

Please Note: Before submitting an abstract later than August 22nd - a week after the original deadline - please check with Matthew Nelson in advance to ensure that it will still be considered.) The deadline for draft manuscripts - remember that manuscripts are required for abstracts requesting an oral presentation slot at the conference - remains September 15, even for abstracts submitted late.


All abstracts are due August 22nd, 2022

All abstracts should be between 250-500 words with a maximum of 500

Draft Manuscripts are due September 15th, 2022

Digital versions of the poster are due September 20th, 2022

Final manuscripts are due October 15th, 2022