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Free Webinar for Grades K-12!!! Explore Humans in Space: Looking at the Mathematics Behind Space Food & Nutrition

NASA logo with white lettering, silver point, and white circle. Encircled in a large black globe

FREE 1-hour Webinar for Grades K-12!

Summary: Come will learn about food and nutrition onboard the International Space Station and how this also impacts our Artemis planning for the Journey to back to the Moon and then on to Mars. 

Explore NASA's Space Food using mathematics to investigate nutritional needs for astronauts onboard the International Space Station and long duration space flight. Calculate the impact of body type, age and exercise on an astronauts daily caloric needs. Investigate relationships between food packaging, serving sizes and product waste. Come enjoy a menu of inquiry-based activities designed to integrate food, nutrition and space as you satisfy your mathematics appetite.

Looking at NASA's Space Food, we will talk about relevant connections to daily life by making connections between portion size, caloric content and nutritional value. Participants will calculate the energy needs using the basal metabolic rate (BMR) equation and the amount of daily exercise. Plan a daily menu that meets the calculated caloric needs using the current International Space Station menu. Using the weight of the food, calculate the cost to transport a balanced one-day menu. Extension activities include estimating serving size, calculating empty space, and percent difference.

 Leave with a classroom ready PowerPoint that works great for an in-person, at home or virtual presentation and includes videos, links and aligns to NGSS.