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GLEE Remote Workshop - Application Deadline



(E)xpedition for


Summary: GLEE is a mission to land 500 LunaSats (small spacecraft about the size of a Post-it note) on the Moon in 2023 to conduct both science and technology missions. GLEE is led by Colorado Space Grant Consortium at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is currently supported by NASA’s Artemis Student Challenges.

 Goal: GLEE’s goal is to engage students around the world by giving them the opportunity to work with hardware and code that could one day be sent to the Moon. We are working towards securing a ride to the Moon. We will let participants know as soon as our flight is confirmed and teams that complete this remote workshop will be offered flight hardware for the full GLEE mission.

Team Requirements:

  • Teams must have a mentor

  • Teams must be students in high school, or at a 2 or 4 year college/university

General Logistics:

  • If accepted, your team will be sent a “GLEE Kit” which will have two LunaSats and additional materials to go through the modules

  • A link to the video modules will be sent to teams

  • Support resources will be sent to teams to help support teams through the modules

GLEE Remote Workshop Information:

Application Link:

Applications Close: April 4, 2022

Application Status Notification: April 22, 2022