Important Dates
November 14, 2022: Q&A Teleconference
November 18, 2022: Notice of Intent Due
December 16, 2022: Application Development Teleconference
January 06, 2023: Application Due
Summary: Call for Payloads (CFP) for the September 2023 flight of the High Altitude Student Platform (HASP). HASP can support up to 12 student payloads (providing power, telemetry and commanding) during a flight to an altitude of 122,000 feet for up to 20 hours. The NASA Balloon Program Office, HASP Management Team and the Astrophysics Division of the NASA Science Mission Directorate anticipate flying HASP at least through 2025. There is no cost for launch and flight operations. Student teams will need to raise their own funds to support the development of their payload and, if necessary, for travel to Palestine, TX for HASP integration and Ft. Sumner, NM for flight operations.
Details on the payload constraints and interface with HASP as well as online access to the CFP materials can be found on the “Participant Info” page of the HASP website at Details about previous HASP flights and the student payloads flown can be found on the “Flight Information” page of the HASP website at
Applications Deadline: January 06, 2023
Notice of Intent (NOI) Deadline: November 18, 2022
Submit the NOI to
Note: An NOI is required for any team planning to apply for a HASP 2023 seat. Fill out the attached form once the basic information concerning your payload and student teams are known and Contract information is only needed for the student team lead and the faculty advisor. If you have a multiple institution project only the lead institution should submit a NOI and collaborating institutions should be listed on the NOI. The lead institution will be responsible for distributing official HASP information to all project participants.