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Institute of Education Sciences: Digital Learning Challenge Stage 1 Team Proposal Deadline

Every year, almost 80 million students, nearly 25% of the U.S. population, are enrolled in education. But as adoption of edtech has grown, data collection methods and analysis haven’t changed. The needs of students, from early years to higher education, are evolving every day. With the power of digital learning tools, increasing connectivity, acceleration in Big Data, machine learning, and AI methods, technology provides an opportunity to measure, improve learning and our understanding of how learning takes place. While many learning platforms already collect data and conduct substantive analyses, practices to collect data with the intention of understanding learning rather than for technical debugging are not widespread. Incentivizing the development, demonstration, and deployment of an infrastructure for conducting experiments in learning contexts has the potential to improve our understanding of what works in education, while saving time and improving learning outcomes for millions of students.

The winning team must minimally demonstrate its ability to:

  • Conduct an Randomized Control Trial (RCT) or Quasi Experimental Design (QED) using any meaningful and substantive educational intervention

  • Systematically replicate the experiment at least five times in no more than 30 days

  • Replicate the experiment within at least three distinct demographics

Teams must be:

  • Composed of US-based entities

  • University Groups & High School Students

  • Startups & Innovators

  • Small to Midsize Companies

  • Community-based Organizations

  • Families or Individuals