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NASA Suits Design Challenge: Letter of Intent Due!

NASA SUITS (Spacesuit User Interface Technologies for Students) challenges students to design and create spacesuit information displays within augmented reality (AR) environments. As NASA pursues Artemis - landing American astronauts on the Moon, the agency will accelerate investing in surface architecture and technology development. The SUITS 2022 Challenges target key aspects of the Artemis mission.

Participant Requirements:

  • Each prospective onsite team member must be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning (community college, military academy, technical college, or university) or faculty member at the time the proposal is submitted.

  • Must be 16 or older

  • MUST be U.S. Citizens or Legal Permanent Residents.

  • All participants MUST attend the Orientation and Virtual Design Review.

  • Primary team members may only participate with one team in the same competition.

  • Student experiments must be organized, designed and operated by student team members alone.

  • Each team must be accompanied by an adult age 21 or older serving as the faculty advisor.

  • Enrollment verification may be requested for team members.

  • Interns involved in the design of a SUITS challenge may not participate as a member of a team in that same cycle of the SUITS challenge, however, they may serve as a team advisor.

  • Support team members may be comprised of university students of any level, faculty members, professional consultants, etc.

  • Any support team member under the age of 18 accompanying the team to Houston must provide a signed JSC parental consent form.

  • Current NASA Covid-19 policies stipulate that visitors to JSC and WSTF must complete a form to attest their vaccination status, and to keep the form on their person while onsite. Should visitors not be fully vaccinated, they will need to provide a negative COVID-19 test that is less than 72 hours old to come on the site. These policies are subject to change.

NASA SUITS is accepting Letter of Intent until Sept 30, 2021

NASA SUITS is accepting team proposals until October 28, 2021

Please direct all questions regarding this opportunity to