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Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP) - Proposal Submission Deadline

Background: In partnership with the NASA Space Grant network and funded by the NASA Science Mission Directorate Science Activation program, the NEBP requests proposals from higher education institution faculty and/or other adult mentors to lead a team of students through a mission involving learning and stratospheric ballooning campaigns during the October 14, 2023 annular and April 8, 2024 total solar eclipses.

NEBP requests proposals to:

1) ensure potential teams are thinking about and planning for necessary participation actions

2) capture essential agreements that allow us to grant substantial equipment, supplies, and support to participating institutions


Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP) will immerse teams from a range of higher education institutions in an innovative NASA mission-like adventure in data acquisition and analysis through stratospheric ballooning during the 10/14/23 annular and 4/8/2024 total solar eclipses. NEBP teams across the U.S. will conduct scientific field campaigns during the two eclipses, flying helium-filled balloons carrying science and engineering payloads — such as meteorological instruments (radiosondes), still and video cameras, and space technology proof-of-concept hardware. Background information on stratospheric ballooning is available here. All flight phases are led by students under the guidance of an adult Team Mentor.

NEBP goals:

1) Enable inclusive STEM education for participating students

2) Advance learners’ understanding of the process of science

3) Create, enhance, and sustain networks and partnerships.

4) Hands-on STEM skills through preparation for and flying of balloons during each eclipse

5) Enhance all NEBP participants 21st century skillset through educational activities to promote teamwork, communication, scientific data acquisition and analysis, science research, and diverse cultural perspectives in science and engineering.

More detailed information about NEBP, including project objectives, track-specific expectations, planned educational activities, photos of balloon flights, funding, timelines, and training workshops is available on the project website. We highly recommend that the website is reviewed in parallel with this solicitation, as it contains more detailed project information. Note that the website will be continually updated as more information becomes available.

Submission Deadlines:

Submit the proposal as a single PDF document to NEBP email address by  October 28, 2022.

Team selection decisions will be communicated no later than  December 16, 2022.