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Academic High-Altitude Conference (AHAC) 2022

General Conference Info: AHAC 2022 registration opens on August 1st. This conference is hosted by the Stratospheric Ballooning Association. This conference will be held both virtually and in-person. The conference will include interesting contributed talks, posters/exhibits, and invited talks at this conference. AHAC 2022 is still accepting abstracts, draft manuscripts, posters, and final manuscripts This conference is be held September 23-24, 2022 in Ames, IA.

Registration: Conference registration is already open, and will remain open until mid-September.


All abstracts are due August 22nd, 2022

All abstracts should be between 250-500 words with a maximum of 500

Draft Manuscripts are due September 15th, 2022

Digital versions of the poster are due September 20th, 2022

Final manuscripts are due October 15th, 2022