Summary: RASC-AL competitions fuel innovation for aerospace systems concepts, analogs, and technology prototyping by bridging gaps through university engagement. RASC-AL is open to undergraduate and graduate university-level students studying fields with applications to human space exploration (i.e., aerospace, bio-medical, electrical, and mechanical engineering; and life, physical, and computer sciences). This year's competition is also seeking space-minded business, management, and space policy students to form multidisciplinary teams alongside traditional engineering majors. RASC-AL projects allow students to incorporate their coursework into real aerospace design concepts and work together in a team environment.
Each team will receive a $6,500 stipend to facilitate full participation in the RASC-AL Forum. The teams with the top two overall winning papers will be invited to present their design projects to industry experts at a major aerospace conference in 2023, such as AIAA ASCEND (additional travel stipends provided).