Student Highlight - Ravon Venters
Ravon Venters recently published his NYSG-funded research.
In the Spring 2019 semester, Ravon Venters of Clarkson University had two papers submitted to the American Society of Mechanical Engineering’s Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. The first paper, entitled “Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Flow through a 90 degree Elbow” reports on Ravon’s direct numerical simulations of turbulent flow in a duct. Ravon did simulations of the flow on the Texas Advanced Computing Center’s Stampede2 supercomputer using thousands of processors for several weeks. His results are being used to improve less computationally intensive methods for simulating these flows. His second paper reports on similar simulations except Ravon examined the accuracy of models for predicting particle induced erosion. Erosion is a serious problem in many industrial applications such as fracking for natural gas and also in NASA applications such as landings in dusty environments. Ravon finished his Ph.D. at Clarkson University in Summer 2019.